Friday, October 30, 2009

Britney... STOP

Ms. Spears just released her new single "Three." I feel like she is trying really hard to channel Lady GaGa. Spears should have come off more sexual when she first started at age 16. Sex sells, duh.

Who knows! She could have been an ultimate Lady GaGa and would never have to worry about the media dissing her every attempt she has made for a come back.

It's just pathetic...for the most part.


  1. I feel like she's trying to be like everyone else in the crowd. I really love that she made an awesome comeback, but I don't think she should continue on this path because everything she does right now isn't groundbreaking. And she shouldn't try to be like Madonna.

    All-in-all, she's kind of annoying, kind of trashy even.

    This music video makes no sense. It's just her dancing around and the dancing isn't even that great.

  2. Oh, and the song itself isn't even that great.

  3. The lyrics in this song don't really make sense to me, and Britney's dancing skills are obviously nowhere near what they used to be, but I have to admit this song is annoyingly catchy.
