Thursday, October 15, 2009

Leona keeps bleeding... STRONG!

How dare him!!
Leona was recently punched in the face at her own book signing in Central London yesterday evening.
The alleged attacker was said to be waiting in line for over 90 minutes before he decided to strike Leona. The assault was clearly unprovoked, witnesses say. Many sources such as MTV, E!, and YAHOO News have stated that the man immediately laughed after punching the poor singer. It has also been stated that no one knows as to why that man punched her. Weird.
Police were able to take down the 29-year-old and put him in custody. Justice has been served!
Her autobiography entitled "Dreams" was said to have continued its promotional tour today, but has been cancelled due to the incident. Fortunately, Leona was able to confront this issue on her website today in which she said, "Thank you so much for your support it is truly overwhelming. Yesterday was a horrible shock and left me extremely hurt and upset. I’m very sorry to those I wasn’t able to meet at the signing. Thank you again for all of the lovely messages."

Leona is such a gracious individual!! After being punched in the face in public, I could not imagine being able to keep my composure like this lovely lady!
GET EXCITED FANS! She is also said to be rehearsing for her upcoming tour next week and promoting her new single, "Happy."
Wouldn't Hollywood be a lovelier place with celebrities like Leona? I salute this woman and will forever stay a loyal fan to her amazing vocals and for her poise!
Nobel Peace Prize nominee? I think so.
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