Wednesday, November 11, 2009


I am really not surprised about this incident.

According to avid bloggers, Perez Hilton, and several entertainment sources, Ms. Spears has been accused of lip syncing, at her recent shows in Australia. The pop princess has angered many fans which has accumulated to demanding refunds, according to Australia’s "Telegraph." A woman who was quoted on the Telegraph said,
       “"It was a waste of $200—I could have got four pairs of shoes for that."

Spears manager spoke out on these accusations by defending her via Twitter, claiming that it was the work of a sole Australian journalist that sparked the lip-synch debate.

John Mayer was also present at Australia for the promotion of his new album. Mayer said in his latest tweet,

“If you're shocked that Britney was lip-syncing at her concert and want your money back, life may continue to be hard for you.”

This is very bad publicity. Hopefully Brit-Brit gets back on her feet and withstands those craaanky Aussies!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

First Look: Rihanna Speaks To Diane Sawyer About Assault

First Look: Rihanna Speaks To Diane Sawyer About Assault

Here is a sneak peek for tomorrow night's interview with Diane Sawyer and Rihanna's domestic abuse with Chris Brown.
She reveals everything from how she felt in front of the press and how the whole incident changed her life.

Rihanna is doing the right thing in making awareness about abuse in today's celebrity world. This will definitely give her a different image among her young adult fans.
It takes a lot out of a person to confess a hard life and I just want to applaud her for that.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

A Follow up to Britney

For those of you who are keeping up with this blog, I thought I would share with you a parody of  Britney's new video.
The video was done by a former University of Texas at Austin student's roommate from California.

I think it's rather interesting how the song sits better with me now, after I viewed this video. It's way more catchier and fun to listen.
Now, when I hear it on the radio, I do not imagine a poor dance routine by Ms.Spears with awful tracks. I picture a young male dressed in drag with amazing moves.

Do parodies catch more publicity? Remember Tina Fey and Amy Poehler's political skits as Hillary Rodham Clinton and Sarah Palin on Saturday Night Live? Their skits were able to help both Clinton and Palin's image in the political world. It also assisted in their political campaigns, giving a whole new twist on recieving or losing votes. Satirical pieces seem to grab a ton of media attention. This leads back to the originator in the whole joke; the person!

I am not saying the parody of Spears's video will reach the same potential like Fey and Poehler's, but it will sure change minds. It changed my mine.

Go ahead, and watch this parody and the original.
Does the song change for you?